miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

A flawed superhero

Hi everyone! 

As todays blog, I would like to talk about one of my favorite movies, Spiderman: Into the spider-verse and the hero/protagonist of that movie, Miles Morales.
I remember last year being so hyped about the release of the movie, the graphics were stunning and since the first trailer it had me hooked to the plot, I went to the cinema the first week upon release and was totally worth it.

Moreover, the character of Miles just…was so well written. He was a normal teenager dealing with a lot of expectatives due to all the sudden changes on his life, he was lost and afraid, and even though he had a supportive family and people who cherished for him, he needed to find his own answers, he needed to “take that leap of faith”.
Through the movie, we see his growth as a person, how he becomes more confident as he begins to know his own weaknesses and strengths, to, at the end, face the villain thanks to all the things he learned from the people around him.

I found Miles Morales to be a relatable character, even in a world of superpower and thus, he is always trying his best (and not always succeeding) he cares for the people he love and, unlike other superheroes whose always seem to be this “perfect person that always wins ”, miles is constantly failing and getting up, and learning from that, and I think that this kind of flawed superhero is way more inspiring than a perfect one.

1 comentario:

  1. My brother is a big fan of the Spiderman movies but I prefer the comics. I read them most during the early 1970s.


To fight a war

Ok bloggers, this is a long story so bear with me... I remember this time when I had to miss class because I was sick and unfortunatel...