miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Mirror mirror on wall...

Ten years…that´s pretty far from now…

My first thought was “hopefully I’ll be a graduate by then”, but thinking further what I really want for the future is to be working abroad (that is, in fact the reason why I´m so eager to learn and improve my English). I think that in the U.S I have more possibilities to become an intern at an animation studio, so in 10 years my goal is to be living there.

I haven´t thought about family or children yet, I definitely don´t want to be a mother so that´s one less thing to worry about… but I do want a dog though (and a cat and a rabbit and a-). I think it´s because we used to have dogs and cats at my home in Cartagena and I really liked to have them around, but the last places I’ve lived in doesn’t allows pets at all so in ten years I will certainly find a place big enough for me and a big fluffy doggo.

If I have a partner by then or not is not on my vision, but if I have I hope it´s a lasting relationship at last. And about my family, if I live abroad I´m sure I´ll miss them to death but I´m sure we will manage to make video calls and thus from time to time, and I would save money for going back to Chile for Christmas or on vacations.
So just for the sake of adding details, I would like to have my driver license and my own bike at that age, but I´m terrified of driving and I always think I would end up killing someone and/or myself so we´ll see if that comes true.
Looking at the big picture, I realize I have so little faith in humanity that I only hope that in ten years the air is still breathable, but because this is a positive vision of the future I´ll say I´m hoping for the future inventions to help solving the problems that we´re facing today, I´m sure new designs will be developed for this and we will live on a better place uwu.

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