miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Gabriel Picolo (not "Piccolo", that's a DB character)

Hi! fellow bloggers

Today´s topic is someone I'd like to have a one-on-one conversation with. Needless to say that it’s not easy to just talk about one, but if I could meet and have a conversation with anyone in this very moment, I would most likely say my favorite artist, Gabriel Picolo. He’s a comic artist from Brazil, well-known for his original book “Icarus and the Sun” and his drawings of casual Teen Titans, which first started as just fanart and now is an official comic published by DC *throws confetti*. He also seems like a nice, approachable person, the type you would meet on a café to talk about music and series on Netflix (or at least I think so).

I remember the old days of Deviantart (a page for sharing art) around 2014, when I first stumbled upon his art, he was doing the 365-days of doodles challenge. But he wasn’t drawing just doodles, he uploaded such amazing pieces, traditionally drawn with ink, fully detailed, EVERY. DAY. (little me was shocked)

I think he was my mainly inspiration from then on (still is!) and I always wished he could come to a convention or event here in Chile, but that haven’t happened yet. If I meet him, I don´t know exactly what I would want to ask but I wanna know about his journey as an artist, what are his inspirations? what did he study? Does he have some tips for developing such nice skills both in paper and digitally? What is his next project?

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